Innovation Grants

“Do not go where the path may lead; go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.”  ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson

Campfire Innovation Grants : Building a learning community one project at a time.

April 15th – Grant notification by May 1st. This is our single application deadline for the year.

Over the last 20 years technology has reorganized how we live, how we communicate, and how we learn. The goal of the Innovation Grant is to cultivate learners – to build on a young person’s innate curiosity and excitement for new knowledge. We believe that with a passion to keep learning, a will to innovate, and a capacity to problem-solve and collaborate – we can make great things happen in education.

If you’re an Idaho educator with a passion for helping students become connected, passion-driven learners… if you want to facilitate and inspire lifelong learning and creativity… if you’d like support in designing and developing learning experiences for Idaho’s youth… please fill out and submit the Campfire Foundation Innovation Grant form.

The Campfire Foundation provides financial grants ($250 – $2,500) to schools to fund non-budgeted, innovative, experiential learning that is identified to have a profound impact on education. To be considered the projects would be student led, project-based, and promote inquiry, creativity, and sharing. Grantees shall create something of meaning and value and share it with the broader community. The completed projects will be profiled on this website so they may be replicated by other students and colleagues.


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